Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the waiting game....(update 1 from 4/14)...

We're just waiting for the doctor. I don't know if they will send us home or not. Kaidan is doing well, she hasn't had a fever since we got here, but her counts have all dropped today.

white blood 1.5, 1.3, 5.0-14.5
hematocrit 36.2, 32.3, 35.0-45.0
platelets 365, 305, 150-400
ANC 0.2, 0.0, 1.5-8.0

The blood cultures haven't grown any bacteria. Rounds started at 9:00, so they should be coming around soon.

They did several x-rays yesterday on Kaidan's abdomen yesterday to see if they could find out anything with her stomach aches. I haven't talked to the doctor about them yet either, so we'll see if they show anything. Of course, since we've been here, she hasn't had any problems and she's eating great. Isn't that the way it goes?

I know Kaidan looks good and she feels pretty good too, but we do have to remember that her little body has taken a beating these past 21 months and she is very fragile. I would always rather be extra cautious and safe. Sometimes I feel the doctors look at her and because she looks so good they discount the symptoms I am telling them she has. It's very frustrating. I just have something in the back of my mind that tells me we really need to watch her close and this stuff going on with her stomach isn't normal, even though it comes and goes. We'll see...

Yesterday, Nate and his mom and the kids came up and hid the goodies from the Easter hunt around Kaidan's room. She was really excited to get her own little Easter hunt here. I'll try to post some pictures today.

I will update as soon as I know more.

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