Wednesday, September 2, 2009

this week's blood counts...

Kaidan is doing well. Her ANC has dropped from over 3,000 2 weeks ago, to 2,500 last week to 1,400 this week...AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!

I thought we had finally gotten her counts under control. Oh well, we'll keep our fingers crossed for no fevers and check her counts again next Wednesday.

The ducky derby was fun!! We didn't quite meet our goal, but we were very close. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped us out with that. I know times are really tough right now for everyone, so thanks to you all. I promise I won't ask for money from you all for awhile:)

The planning for our "end of chemo party" is well under way. It will be the evening of November 7th, that is a Saturday. Please save that date. We really want this to be a great celebration! It's a very exciting thing for us all and we want to share it with everyone who has been a part of our lives during this long journey.

I have many, many mixed emotions about the months coming up. I am so, so very glad that we are coming to the date when Kaidan will not have her central line and, soon after that, the day when she will no longer have pills to take every night. I am also so, so very nervous about what that will be like. It's impossible to understand unless you've experienced it, but it is a weird feeling, there are no words to really describe the many emotions you can feel all at once. The fact that she will have nothing going into her body to stop the cancer cells from growing is SCARY!! As much as I hate chemo, I hate cancer more. Anyway...enough about that. The end is near and we are SUPER EXCITED!! We hope that you will all be able to stop by our party and add some fun!!

I'll update next week after blood counts. Thanks again for all the support!!


Tracy said...

HI just came across your site,have my fingers crossed for your little one.My beautiful cousin who will soon be 19yrs and just engaged this weekend had leukemia at the age of 3yrs a very hard,emotional time but sure Kaidan with the love of you and your family will come out the other side too.

Jill Heaps said...

I also came across your blog and wish you good luck! My little 7 yr. old sister has had two bonemarrow transplants so we understand what you're going through! Her last transplant was just last year, and her counts are still on a roller coaster. I really hope everything works out for you!
-Heaps Family

Our blog is if you want to take a peek!