Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kaidan update!!!

Sorry it took me so long to update - Kaidan has lots of needs :)

Surgery went well. She was really nervous about getting an IV, but it went smoothly and she was a champion - like always! The staff loved having her there because she is so cheerful and cute.

The surgery took about 2 1/2 hours. The doctor said her left ankle was worse than the right. She has 2 small incisions on her right ankle and 3 on her left. They removed loose cartilage and bone and drilled some holes to promote bleeding and new growth. Dr. Saltzman is a great guy and I felt like he had a genuine concern for Kaidan. He said this is a tough thing to treat. He said it's just not fair because her life has been so rough already and this is really going to be another hard thing for her.

As Kaidan woke up from the anesthesia, she was as cute as ever. The nurse asked her if she had brothers and sisters at home and she thought about it for a minute and then confidently told her NO. We were pretty surprised by that response! I guess she was living in a fantasy where she's an only child! She also told me that the last thing she remembers is falling asleep and then the doctor gave her a wedgie! I guess she was in and out of sleep when they scooted her down on the operating table, so her unders rode up. It was pretty funny!

The rest of the day yesterday went well. We got home, and you never would have known that Kaidan had surgery earlier the same day. She was alert and stayed awake most of the day. She was even rolling around in her wheelchair. She had been given morphine, oxycodone, and benedryl and she was still functioning! She obviously got her tolerance from someone else, because I would have been down for the count with any one of those drugs, let alone all three!

Last night and today have been a little more difficult. She's had more pain and she's slept more. She did get out for Preslee's soccer game (which was a win...GO IMPACT!!). She's in bed now and tomorrow we'll try to get her to put some weight on her feet for a minute or two.

I'll keep you posted! Thanks for caring!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Surgery time...

Kaidan's foot surgery is scheduled for 8:00 tomorrow morning. It is scheduled to be a two hour surgery. I'll keep you posted when we get back home :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

double foot surgery...

This will be very short and sweet, but I wanted to let you all know that Kaidan will be having surgery on her feet next Tuesday, Sept. 13th. We are really, REALLY hoping this will reduce some of her pain. It's outpatient, but she'll be home recovering for at least one week and then it will be about six weeks before a total recovery. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, August 29, 2011

So... it's been 3 months...

I can't believe it's been 3 months since I have updated! Let me start by saying that my lack of updates does not mean that NOTHING has been going on! We have been busier than ever! I'm sure I will miss something - but I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet :) I'll let some pictures do most of the talking, but my computer is archaic and it doesn't cooperate most of the time - so forgive me for the quality of some of the pictures, I don't have the ability to edit them. Also, Preslee is not in many of our pictures :( That is not because I don't love her, it's just because she's never around! She is always at soccer or doing her own thing...she's growing up!


Porter has started Preschool!! Yes, this means I have 4 hours a week with NO CHILDREN!! I'm slacking in the picture department, so I don't have any pics of him with his backpack :( Mom of the Year?!? I don't think so...

He also took a good tumble on his scooter and cracked his front tooth vertically up the middle. His nerve was exposed, and he was in a lot of pain. Unfortunately, the tooth couldn't be saved, so he had to have it pulled. He'll be toothless for several years now because my kids take forever to get teeth - he hadn't even had this tooth for a year yet!


Cash graduated preschool and started Kindergarten today! picture of the first day of school and his graduation picture is super blurry :(

He also gave karate a try, but he lost interest after a week.

He had a birthday August 1st and he's now 5!! He's growing so fast!


Preslee has turned 11, competed in a local soccer tournament (2nd place!) and a tournament in Colorado Springs (we learned how to lose at this one). She is really becoming an AMAZING goalie! It's a lot of fun to watch her progress. She is in 6th grade this year and growing up WAY TOO FAST!!


Kaidan has had lots of happenings. She continues to struggle with GI issues and bone pain. We have seen a new GI doctor - who we LOVED!! - and we have a new plan to try, so we are hoping for great results with this. We also saw a new Orthopedic Doctor - who we LOVED!! - and Kaidan will be having surgery on both of her feet soon. She has necrosis (death of the bone) in every single bone in both feet :( This doctor was the first to be honest with us, and even though it wasn't what we wanted to hear, we are grateful that we can move forward. Hopefully we can help her to find some pain relief.

Kaidan participated in the Survivor Lap of the Draper Relay for Life.

She got special treatment at Hill Air Force Base - thanks to the Make a Wish Foundation!

She also started swimming lessons this summer and she was AMAZING!! She progressed through the levels very quickly and I think swimming is going to be her 'thing'! She was invited to try out for the non-competitive swim team on September 20th! She is so excited!!


We had a busy summer, so here are a few of the things that we did...

4th of July! We spent time with cousins, saw a parade, and watched lots of fireworks. Cash was fascinated by fireworks this year.

We hosted a lemonade stand at Toys R Us to help promote their campaign for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.

Kennecott Copper Mine (my mistake...the kids were bored out of their minds. apparently you don't appreciate this until you are older)

The kids went to Camp Hobe!! This was a fun year because in addition to the girls going to the week long kids camp, the boys were able to go to the day camp! It was a Monday and Tuesday day camp, so we were able to make a little get-a-way out of it. We stayed in Tooele with several other 'cancer moms' and their cancer cuties. It was so much fun! I didn't get many pictures of the girls because I just dropped them off for the week, but I managed to get a few of the boys. The top one is Porter, less than 5 minutes into our ride back to the hotel the first day. They wore him out!!

We participated in the Urban Challenge Utah for the Make a Wish Foundation! We did a bake sale to raise money and then my sister and her boyfriend did the challenges. It was AWESOME!! They earned points for dressing up, so we named their team the Grid Gladiators (because SLC is a grid map system). We had a blast following them around! Kaidan also talked a little about her wish experience. The kids had fun at the after party, playing some carnival games and getting soaked in the water at Gallivan Plaza - it was a hot day!

And finally, we attended SLC's first ever CureSearch for Childhood Cancer walk!! I was part of the planning committee for this walk and we worked so hard to make it a huge success. I think we succeeded! We raised over $72,000 dollars for childhood cancer research! This is something we will be participating in annually and I am so excited about it! Thank you to everyone who supported our family. It was an amazing day - from the support of our family and friends, to the balloon release for those who have passed on, to the medal ceremony, to the actual walk! It was a fantastic day. If you weren't there this year, I hope you'll make it in 2012. I promise you that it will touch your heart and it will be an event you can be proud to be a part of.

Kaidan received a champion medal - she is definitely a champion!

Many of our local cancer friends were in attendance. The stage was not big enough! That is both sad and happy for me. Sad that so many children have to battle this cowardly disease, but happy that so many are winning the battle!

Kaidan and Brielle!! Brielle has a form of leukemia called AML - she received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister! How awesome is that?!?

So, there you have it! Summer 2011! I'll try to be better about keeping this updated, especially as Kaidan has her surgery and all of that. Thanks for keeping up with us :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Please walk with or donate to CureSearch in honor of Kaidan and all of her "cancer friends"...

I have sat down many times to update this blog, but I just can't seem to do it. It's been a rough few weeks for our local childhood cancer community, and my concerns and complaints are minuscule compared to what other families are dealing with. So, I'll update you all on the happenings of the Sudbury's another time, but for now, I am asking (actually...BEGGING!!!) you to support us on July 9th. CureSearch is holding their 1st walk in SLC and we NEED you to join our team! If you can't walk, please sign up as a virtual walker, or just make a donation to our team. Even $5 helps.

re post:

As you may or may not know, CureSearch for Childhood Cancer is holding their first-ever walk in Salt Lake City!! This event is especially important to us because of our daughter Kaidan, who is our hero and a cancer survivor!

CureSearch is a non-profit organization that funds the lifesaving, collaborative research of the Children's Oncology Group (COG). The COG is the largest children's cancer research organization in the world!! They have over 6,000 physicians, nurses, and researchers at more than 200 hospitals in North America. 90% of children in the US with cancer are treated at COG hospitals.

Every year, more than 13,500 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer and more than 40,000 are undergoing treatment. Overall survival rates have increased in the last 40 years from 10% to 78%, but 1 in every 4 children still loses the battle with cancer. Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in children.

Primary Children's Medical Center (PCMC) is a COG hospital. In 2010, between 170-180 kids were diagnosed with cancer at PCMC. That means that 3-4 families per week were given the same devastating news that we received on June 25, 2007 - they were told that their child had cancer.

You probably don't know that children with cancer are treated with chemotherapy drugs that were approved in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. We certainly did not know this before we became part of the childhood cancer world. The only thing that has changed is the doses that our kids receive! Children with cancer are given mega-doses of these toxic drugs - doses that an adult body could not handle. Our children are amazingly resilient, but even so, 3 out of 4 childhood cancer survivors will suffer long-term side effects - heart problems, neurological disorders, and even secondary cancers, just to name a few - from the chemotherapy that had to be given in order to save their life. Some of these effects are life-threatening. There has only been one new drug introduced for pediatric use since the 1980's - it is a drug for relapsed leukemia.

AWARENESS = FUNDING = RESEARCH = CURES!! Only research will cure cancer!

We would like to ask you to join our team for the walk in July. It would mean the world to us. Our goal is to spread the word about childhood cancer. We want CureSearch's name to be known in every household. We want CureSearch to be as well known as other foundations that have made an amazing impact on the adult cancer community, such as the American Cancer Society, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Susan G. Komen.

The CureSearch walk will be held on July 9, 2011 at Liberty Park in SLC. This is a family walk, so we'd like you to have your entire family register! The cost is $10 for ages 16+, there is no fee for anyone under 15. Of course, we'd love your help with raising funds for childhood cancer research; however, our family goal this year is AWARENESS, so what is most important to us is that we have your support and that we have you on our team. If you are not able to walk, you can join as a virtual team member. If you prefer not to use credit card information online, you can join off-line - just send us an email and we'll get all the information to you. We also need sponsors, volunteers, and in-kind donations for food/beverage items and family friendly entertainment for the day of the walk. If you can help in any of these areas, please let us know.

You can join our team, donate, or find more information by visiting Our team name is TEAM AWESOME - in honor of AWESOME KAIDAN.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to call (801.205.2905) or email ( Also, please forward this email on to anyone that you think would be interested in supporting us. We'd love to have youth groups, sports teams, and companies join us. Please join us, not just for our family, but for the entire Utah childhood cancer community - especially the children fighting this cowardly disease. Together, we can REACH THE DAY where we can guarantee every child a cure followed by a lifetime of health!

We have been consistently humbled by the outpouring of love and support our family has received since Kaidan's diagnosis in 2007 and we can't wait to share this event with all of you!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

CureSearch for Childhood Cancer...

As you may or may not know, CureSearch for Childhood Cancer is holding their first-ever walk in Salt Lake City!! This event is especially important to us because of our daughter Kaidan, who is our hero and a cancer survivor!

CureSearch is a non-profit organization that funds the lifesaving, collaborative research of the Children's Oncology Group (COG). The COG is the largest children's cancer research organization in the world!! They have over 6,000 physicians, nurses, and researchers at more than 200 hospitals in North America. 90% of children in the US with cancer are treated at COG hospitals.

Every year, more than 13,500 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer and more than 40,000 are undergoing treatment. Overall survival rates have increased in the last 40 years from 10% to 78%, but 1 in every 4 children still loses the battle with cancer. Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease in children.

Primary Children's Medical Center (PCMC) is a COG hospital. In 2010, between 170-180 kids were diagnosed with cancer at PCMC. That means that 3-4 families per week were given the same devastating news that we received on June 25, 2007 - they were told that their child had cancer.

You probably don't know that children with cancer are treated with chemotherapy drugs that were approved in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. We certainly did not know this before we became part of the childhood cancer world. The only thing that has changed is the doses that our kids receive! Children with cancer are given mega-doses of these toxic drugs - doses that an adult body could not handle. Our children are amazingly resilient, but even so, 3 out of 4 childhood cancer survivors will suffer long-term side effects - heart problems, neurological disorders, and even secondary cancers, just to name a few - from the chemotherapy that had to be given in order to save their life. Some of these effects are life-threatening. There has only been one new drug introduced for pediatric use since the 1980's - it is a drug for relapsed leukemia.

AWARENESS = FUNDING = RESEARCH = CURES!! Only research will cure cancer!

We would like to ask you to join our team for the walk in July. It would mean the world to us. Our goal is to spread the word about childhood cancer. We want CureSearch's name to be known in every household. We want CureSearch to be as well known as other foundations that have made an amazing impact on the adult cancer community, such as the American Cancer Society, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Susan G. Komen.

The CureSearch walk will be held on July 9, 2011 at Liberty Park in SLC. This is a family walk, so we'd like you to have your entire family register! The cost is $10 for ages 16+, there is no fee for anyone under 15. Of course, we'd love your help with raising funds for childhood cancer research; however, our family goal this year is AWARENESS, so what is most important to us is that we have your support and that we have you on our team. If you are not able to walk, you can join as a virtual team member. If you prefer not to use credit card information online, you can join off-line - just send us an email and we'll get all the information to you. We also need sponsors, volunteers, and in-kind donations for food/beverage items and family friendly entertainment for the day of the walk. If you can help in any of these areas, please let us know.

You can join our team, donate, or find more information by visiting Our team name is TEAM AWESOME - in honor of AWESOME KAIDAN.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to call (801.205.2905) or email ( Also, please forward this email on to anyone that you think would be interested in supporting us. We'd love to have youth groups, sports teams, and companies join us. Please join us, not just for our family, but for the entire Utah childhood cancer community - especially the children fighting this cowardly disease. Together, we can REACH THE DAY where we can guarantee every child a cure followed by a lifetime of health!

We have been consistently humbled by the outpouring of love and support our family has received since Kaidan's diagnosis in 2007 and we can't wait to share this event with all of you!

Love, Nate and Mystee Sudbury

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

my daily life...

My daily life is OUT OF CONTROL!! I feel so ill-equipped right now. My time is completely consumed with driving everyone everywhere, phone calls to doctors/bill collectors, researching medical things on the internet, driving everyone everywhere, sitting at doctor appointments, and driving everyone everywhere! We seriously have about 2-3 doctor appointments a week between Nate and Kaidan and we only have one car, so I wake up in the morning and take Nate to work, then I take the girls to school, then I pick up whoever has an appointment and get them there, then I take them back to wherever they came from, then I pick up the girls from school, then Nate from work, then it's on to soccer practices and games....blah, blah, blah...don't even mention adding on the normal errands like the bank and grocery store. I once read a sign that said, "If I'm a stay at home mom, then why am I always in my car?" That is exactly how I'd describe my days the past few weeks, and I am not happy about it (neither is my bank account with gas prices right now)!

Anyway, enough whining...

Nate went in yesterday for his biopsy of the thyroid nodule. First, they did an ultrasound to get a better look at the nodule and it turns out that there are lots of them! This is entirely normal, most people have little cyst-like things on their thyroid. Luckily, after the long ultrasound and discussions between the radiologist and Nate's doctor, the decision was made to hold off on the biopsy. They decided that none of the nodules looked suspicious and he was okay to wait. They did, however, find another worrisome spot. It's most likely an enlarged lymph node near his collar bone. I have spoken with the doctor, and he reassured me that, even though Google is concerned, I don't need to be :) We will watch this "spot" and do another ultrasound in 6 months to make sure it isn't growing. They are also running some blood tests to check Nate's thyroid, parathyroid, calcium, cholesterol, etc, etc, etc... I'll keep you posted, but for now, he's good :)

Kaidan has not been doing well. She is in a lot of pain again, throughout her entire body. She is experiencing tons of pain in her ankles and knees, but she is also complaining of being very tired and "just not feeling right". Today, her entire body hurts - it's even painful to the touch, which is weird. She has not been to school all week. We had a good, long talk last night about all of this and it went a totally different direction than I thought it would. I told her that if she is in too much pain to go to school then she cannot play soccer anymore either. I explained that I want her to get better and feel good and that this was the only way that could happen. I thought she would say she's not going to quit soccer and she'll start going to school, but instead, she started crying and said she knows she needs to quit soccer. She said the pain is so bad that she will stop playing soccer - I feel so, so bad for her. At the same time, I feel completely incompetent. I don't know what to believe - does it hurt all the time, but she only tells us sometimes because she doesn't want to miss out on EVERYTHING, or does it really not hurt that bad and she only tells us when she doesn't want to do something? I really do believe her, you can see that she doesn't feel well. I really have no idea what to do. We are working on getting her in to see a rheumatologist and another doctor for her AVN, so hopefully we can get some answers. If she's still home from school tomorrow for pain she will be seeing her pediatrician - I'll keep you posted.

Join our team, TEAM AWESOME, for the 1st ever SLC CureSearch walk!! It's $10 to register and kids under 15 are free to register. We'd love to have a HUGE team of supporters, walking in honor of the Awesome Kaidan!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

results all around...

I'm not sure what's going on with blogger. I really do know how to use paragraphs, but they just disappear when I publish the post. I'm sorry that makes it hard to read :)

Kaidan's orthopedic doctor FINALLY returned my calls and basically said that the MRI showed abnormalities in the bones, but nothing new and nothing that should be causing the increased pain. He suggested we give her Ibuprofen and let time take over. I told him we've been doing that for 3 years and something needs to change. I asked him if he was certain there wasn't leukemia lurking in there causing the pain - he said there isn't. He told me that he thinks the best thing at this point is to see another doctor and get a new set of eyes on it. So, we start over. I really would just let it all go, but I can't handle Kaidan being in pain all the time, so i won't. Also, the stomach issues seem better right now!!!

Nate's MRI went well. The 2 lumps they were looking at are called Lipomas and they are really nothing to be concerned about. Unfortunately, they inadvertently found a nodule on his thyroid and there is a 15% chance it is cancerous. He will be having a Fine Needle Biopsy done by ultrasound next week. I'm worried, because I think of when he had melanoma. Only 5% of skin cancers are melanoma - his was. So, while I know that 15% chance of cancer means 85% chance it's not...we had 95% chance it wasn't melanoma - and it was. Ahhh...I am so, so, so tired of living this life. It's exhausting.

That's it for now. I will soon be posting on our SLC CureSearch Walk (we'd love you to join our team - Team Awesome!!) - so keep watching for that.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

kaidan's test results and Porter is 3!!!

I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to update with the results of Kaidan's tests. I'm a slacker :( FYI - this is a LONG post and I'm sorry :) As far as the abdominal x-ray, the GI doctor felt that Kaidan was backed up, so we did a colon cleanse this weekend. I am now treating her with a maintenance dose of Miralax to keep her cleaned out. doesn't seem to have made a difference yet - tonight she was not feeling well at all. We may have to do the cleanse one more time, but we'll see how tomorrow goes. If she's not feeling better after a second cleanse and by the end of next week I am taking her back in - to a different GI - hopefully I can find one that doesn't have a 3 hour wait when you have an appointment! I think it's ridiculous that they have signs all over that if we are 15 minutes late we will have to reschedule, but they can be as late as they want! The orthopedic doctor has not called me back yet...another frustration I am working through right now. She had her MRI last Thursday, and I've had to track down the results myself and I really don't know what they mean, but I'm not liking what I think they mean. He is supposed to call me tomorrow to tell me what our next steps are - that is, if he has time after surgery. I am really disappointed in the response I'm getting from this doctor right now. I really, really hope he will call me tomorrow. Here is what the MRI report from the radiologist says: For the left ankle - Irregularity noted in the articular surface of the left talar dome, greater than on the right, with associated flattening of the talar dome, consistent with sequelae of previous avascular necrosis. ( Google has helped me to understand that this means the joint surface of her talus (the bone between your foot and leg) is irregular and it's worse than her right foot. It's also collapsed, consistent with previous AVN.) For her right ankle - Subtle residual heterogeneity of the bone marrow remains, with an undulating articular surface of the talar dome, likely secondary to remote osteonecrosis. (Google says heterogeneous means "composed of parts having dissimilar characteristics". So, I think this means that her bone marrow is messed up and the talus is also collapsed, but not as bad as the left. Undulating means "wavelike appearance", so the joint looks like a wave and is partially collapsed - but not completely.) There are other things in the report that I have googled and they are worrisome for me, but I don't know for sure what they mean, so we'll see what the doctor has to say and what our options are. Kaidan has good days and bad - the bad usually follow a day of activity, but she doesn't want to be left out of anything. We had a good talk today that she may have to sacrifice some things that she wants to do in order for her bones to heal - but it really isn't fair. It makes me mad that cancer is still taking things from her. Nate has also had some stuff going on the past couple of months. He's had a lump in his neck area that has gotten bigger and become more of a nuisance, as well as a lump between his neck and shoulder that is really causing him some discomfort. He has seen two different doctors and today he had an MRI of the two areas. We probably won't get the results until Friday. We are pretty sure that it's nothing serious, and the doctors feel the same way, but because he had the melanoma we have to be really careful. The lumps are in the neck and shoulder area, which is relatively close to his ear, where the melanoma was, so the doctors wanted to be sure they were not anything more sinister than tissue build up. I'm glad the doctors were proactive, because I would rather be safe than sorry. On a non-medical note... yes, we occasionally have events in our life that are not medically related :) ... PORTER TURNED 3!! He is growing up so fast and it's so crazy because he is our last baby. We no longer have to carry diapers with us or worry about bottles and feeding schedules. He has become such a little man. He is so stinkin' cute, which is a good thing because he has a temper! If he wasn't so cute he'd be a lot harder to deal with :) He used to be so mellow, but he's grown out of that the past few months - it makes me sad. For his birthday he wanted monster trucks, a race car, and a tiger cake. I, of course, didn't get any pictures (worst mom ever award!!) because I forgot my camera. My dad took some, so I'll have to get them from him to post. Since Porter is 3, I thought I'd put 3 things that we love about him on here, so we can remember. 1. He LOVES basketball shorts. Seriously...LOVES them!! He will not take them off. If he has to wear pants the shorts are under them, if we can convince him to do that - usually, he wears them over his pants. 2. He has the biggest, most beautiful brown eyes - with super long eyelashes that most girls would give anything for. 3. He drinks more in a day than most people do in a week! He cannot go to bed without 2 cups full of drink - otherwise we are waking up in the middle of the night for refills. Sometimes, even with 2 full cups, we have to do refills before morning. I have no idea how he wakes up dry. I'll try to get some recent pictures up soon!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Long, long day...

Yesterday was a really, really long day. We left the house at 8:45 and didn't get home until 4:30. And we only had 2 doctor appointments!!! As most of you know, Kaidan has been struggling forever with stomach issues, and we have met with the GI doctor several times. Yesterday we saw him again. We sat in the waiting room of the GI clinic for almost 2 hours!! I was so mad! Once we got into a room we waited another 30 minutes before he actually came in. Anyway, last time we saw him he thought Kaidan was constipated and I was very skeptical. The whole issue we have is with pooping too much and always having tummy pain. Today he stressed again that he thinks constipation is what is going on. He wanted to do a rectal exam and Kaidan absolutely refused, so we opted for an abdominal x-ray instead. We are looking to see if she is backed up in there. I haven't heard back from him yet with the results, but if she does have stool throughout her colon and intestines we will do a clean-out and see if that helps. If that is not the issue then we will go in for an endoscopy. After the GI appointment, we saw the orthopedic doctor for Kaidan's ankles. They are causing her so much grief. Don't get me wrong, she still does as much as she can - she's trying to play soccer and do recess, etc. - but she pays for it when she does these things. Anyway, the orthopedic doctor confirmed that, from x-rays, it looks like the AVN (avascular necrosis) is back in the ankles. This is not good news. We are going to have an MRI tomorrow to confirm this and then we'll discuss what our options are. Something has to be done. I told the doctor that I don't want to do anything outrageous, but I do not want Kaidan living in pain like this anymore. It's absolutely not right - he agreed. So, what have we learned? Well, cancer is a cowardly, vicious beast. It doesn't go away just because treatment is over. It tortures and torments the cancer patient and their family - physically and emotionally. Why should anyone have to endure this, especially children? Chemotherapy saves lives, but not without a price. It leaves a trail of destruction everywhere that it has gone. I am so thankful that Kaidan is alive. I know of so many other families that are going through things I couldn't even imagine, and I am humbled by that. But, that doesn't make it okay. I want Kaidan to live the life the doctors promised - why do they promise things they can't control? They gave us false hope that we would be done - November 2009 was the end...but, we will never be done - this will never end. Even if she does get relief from all of her aches and pains (which I will never stop working for, by the way), we will never stop wondering and worrying. I'll update again after we hear from these test results to keep you all posted.

Friday, March 25, 2011

DC report...

I was going to write all about this, but Kristin did such a great job I just copied hers. So, here's all the info about our DC trip!!

We are back from our trip to Washington DC with CureSearch to advocate for childhood cancer. IT.WAS.AMAZING! I went with my friend and fellow cancer mom, Mystee. I'm so glad she came with me!! I couldn't possibly find the words to describe the experience, but I will do my best.

Wednesday afternoon we met for some training on the issues we were bringing to our representatives and on how to bring it to them. The first speaker was the President of CureSearch, John Lehr. He gave a basic intro of our speakers.
Next we heard from NBC Correspondent Chuck Todd. He talked to us a little about the issues and how to talk to our senators and congressmen.
Then we got to hear from the new president of the COG (Children's Oncology Group, a group of about 5000 pediatric oncologists that have bound together to share research. The are the worlds largest cooperative children's cancer research entity. Most pediatric oncologists in the US are part of the COG). Oh, he was incredible. He talked about what to say to convince them to fund pediatric cancer research (or rather NOT CUT the budget for the NCI, National Cancer Institute). I took notes because everything he said was noteworthy. Here are a few excerpts:
"Tell them before congress started funding NCI 1 in 10 children survived childhood cancer. The government got involved, and started funding research, and now they have a 3 in 4 chance of survival. We have this survival rate because people in these offices said 'we are going to invest! These are our children and we are going to invest!' And then ask them, do you have the courage to invest in our children?"
"We are curing our children with drugs from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. We have only improved our cure rates by giving more, not by discovering more. We push them to the brink. Most of them will experience toxicity at some point. This is unacceptable in the adult cancer world, why is it acceptable for children? Curing is not enough. They deserve a lifetime of health. They need new drugs that aren't as toxic. We have the tools for this, but we need the funding."
"How will history look back on this congress? By cutting back, our children will suffer."
I wish I had brought a tape recorder. He was really a great speaker.
Next we heard from Nancy Goodman, founder of Kids V Cancer. She was introducing the Creating Hope Act, one of the acts we are asking our representatives to cosponsor. It is basically an incentive for drug companies to create pediatric cancer drugs. Right now 60% of new drugs for adult cancers come from the private sector. Guess how many new drugs come from the private sector for pediatric cancer? Zero. There is no profit to be made because there aren't as many patients. If there is no profit, there is no incentive for drug companies to manufacture new drugs. We have only had one new drug for pediatric cancer since the beginning discoveries of chemotherapy. ONE!! Even that drug was in the 80's. So yeah, they need an incentive, and this act gives them that. It will give them a "golden ticket" if they manufacture and get FDA approval on a pediatric cancer drug, which they can sell (worth hundreds of millions of dollars) to a drug company that wants to get in the "fast pass" line for FDA approval on another drug. Pretty clever if you ask me.
We were also asking for a cosponsor on a survivorship act to deal with the issues of long term side effects kids deal with long after they beat cancer.
We then received some training from Soapbox Advocacy Training. He was great. He taught us how to share personal stories, and always get back to what we are asking for. He taught us how to talk effectively and get them to listen. It was very valuable training and worth every penny they paid for them, whatever that was! He had us cracking up laughing and learning at the same time. Very well done.
Later that evening we heard from a young man (can't find his name anywhere) who was diagnosed with cancer just after he had signed on to a college with a baseball scholarship. His dream was to become a pro-baseball player. His backup plan, dream #2, was to be a doctor. He never got to play pro baseball. He finished school, although it wasn't to be a doctor. He brought his chemo to class with him, pushed play on his tape recorder, and somehow went through his treatments and college at the same time. But being a doctor was out of the question, chemo and radiation does a lot to your body and mind. So he isn't the hero he had planned to be. No, he's a better one. He has a new dream. With the crushing of both of his dreams emerged a new one. A dream that no child would ever have to suffer from cancer again. Now that, my friends, is a dream. Why are our heroes baseball stars anyway? I wanted a picture with him the way you want a picture with someone famous. He's a hero.

DAY 2:
The shuttle bus took us down to Capitol Hill for our rally. We heard from our champion representatives who are leading the fight in congress for pediatric cancer. Both great speakers and men I admire very much. Congressmen Michael McCaul from Texas and Chris Van Hollen from Maryland. One Republican, one Democrat, united for this cause. Because do we really see party lines when it comes to the children of our country?
Next came the best part of the weekend. Nine year old Jack Rolle got up in front of all of us, alone on the stand, and talked about his experience with a brain tumor. We saw cancer from the eyes of a child, the fear, the pain, the suffering, the sickness, in his own words. There was not a dry eye in the room. And he was given an immediate standing ovation for his courage and bravery. That is who we are fighting for. The child who hears "you have cancer" and knows that means you might die. The child who goes in for brain surgery and is afraid because his mother can't come back with him. We are fighting for him, for all of them.

Next we were off to meetings with members. Their offices were incredibly busy with all that is going on right now, much more than last year, but we met with staff from Senator Hatch's office (LOVED her), Congressmen Chaffetz' office and Senator Mike Lee, who we were able to meet and talk with briefly.

Mystee had put together books with stories of 30 Utah kids who have battled or are battling cancer. Some survivors, some angels, and some fighters. We left a book with each of them, hoping they would take the time to look through and read some of them. We know it's an uphill battle, but if we don't ask, nobody will. And that would be a shame. So we'll keep asking until these kids get what they need. We both felt really good about how things went, and hopefully we will make some progress.

When it was over, we were exhausted and crashed at like 9. Except then we giggled and talked until 1am in our beds. It really was nice to be able to relax a little once it was all over.
So there you have it, another great trip to Washington DC!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

where to start???

I have SO MUCH to write about, I don't even know where to start! So...I'll start with the kids and go from there :)

Preslee has pneumonia...again...she seems to get it EVERY stinkin' year! I feel so bad for her, because she is miserable. She has been sick since Thursday, but started feeling better Sunday and Monday - but she woke up today with a fever again, so I took her in - I'm glad I did because she needed to be started on antibiotics.

Cash is good, although I'm sure he'll get sick eventually - he's the only one who hasn't been down with anything yet.

Porter is also good, but he did get RSV a few weeks ago. He was super sick for several days - and it was torture for all of us - especially at night! He's completely back to normal now, and he's just lucky he's so dang cute because he is hell on wheels ;)

Kaidan...where do I start with her?? She was having so many problems a month or so ago and then she came down with pneumonia, so that seemed to take over. Since then, she's done better, but she's still not 100%. She has seen the neurologist for her headaches - which just left me confused - we left that appointment with strict instructions to not treat her headaches with Ibuprofen more than 3 times a week, never to give her Oxycodone for them, and to not let her takes naps (which she still does daily...yes...she is 9). We also left with an anti-depressant, which is supposed to help headaches. I haven't given her that one yet though, because it makes me nervous. I also haven't made her stop taking naps...she's tired! I don't know what to do about all of that. Plus, you add all of the other aches and pains she has and it's virtually impossible not to treat her with Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Oxycodone. I don't know what to do, so I'm just trying to make her ride it out without meds - but I'm torn because I don't feel like I should make her be in pain all the time. UGGH!!

We were able to get her some custom insoles and new shoes (thanks to Grandpa!!), so I'm hoping that her pain in the ankles and knees will start to go away. She has been complaining non-stop today about the backs of her knees again, so I really don't know if it has anything to do with the ankles or not. Her heels have really been bothering her as well.

She goes in tomorrow to see the cardiologist for some chest pains she keeps having. She will also have an echocardiogram. Next week she sees the GI doctor to follow up with all of "those" issues and then it will be time for her oncology check-up again. Whoever told us that we were "done with cancer" in November 2009 was insane. I have felt more stressed out the last 8 weeks than I have in a LONG time. I feel like I'm totally losing control...again...

I feel like I am bombarded daily with issues that I don't know how to handle. I don't know what to do when everybody is feeling crummy and as soon as one of them starts feeling better, someone else comes down with something. Add all of Kaidan's issues on top of that and I am going CRAZY! I'm not even kidding - I am seriously so overwhelmed. Is this normal?? Is it just how life is when you have 4 kids??

On an AMAZING note...I was able to go to Washington DC with Kristin, a friend and fellow cancer mom, last week for CureSearch's Childhood Cancer Awareness and Advocacy Days. It was so amazing and I just wish I could devote hours and hours of my life to this cause. I hope that one day there will be a cure for children with cancer - a cure that doesn't destroy their quality of life along the way. I really thought I'd feel like writing all about this tonight, but I'm too tired. I will update on Kaidan and the other kiddos later this week and then hopefully I can gather my thoughts on DC and tell you all about that as well!

Have a great week and thanks for listening to me whine!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

spring...please come :)

This will just be a quick update - I feel like I need about 10 more hours in the day - with my kids sleeping - just so I can accomplish part of my to do list...

Porter is doing so much better. I think when he tested positive for RSV we were at the worst of it, so it got quite a bit better a few days later. He still has a lingering cough, but I imagine that will last awhile.

Kaidan is not doing so well :( I feel so bad for her because she and Preslee just started a new school and she has only been able to attend 1 day! It seems like she has been sick or miserable from pain FOREVER!! It's been about 4 weeks since she has felt "good". I don't even consider her good as a great thing, but it's better than she has been this last month or so. She was running a pretty good fever for 8+ days, so I took her in to the pediatrician Friday night. They tested her for everything: strep, a UTI, the flu, etc. Everything was negative so we headed up to PCMC for a chest x-ray and blood work. Her chest x-ray showed the possible beginnings of pneumonia and her labs were all over the place, so she's now on 2 antibiotics to hopefully clear it all up. I'm hoping we caught it early enough that she'll make a quick recovery. She spiked a fever around 1:00 this morning, but she's been okay through the day today. If she's still fevering by tomorrow I'm supposed to take her back in :(

Of course, I have a twinge of anxiety going on because I didn't like that her hematocrit dropped almost 5 points from last week and her platelets were down almost 100 as well. Her white blood count went up a little, but it's still in the normal range. She also had many abnormal things on the differential (where they look at the blood cells). I can't remember all of them, but I know there was poikliocytosis, high neutrophils, bands, and a few others that were off. I know all of this can be easily explained by pneumonia, but unfortunately I also know what else could explain it. I am happy that she hasn't had a fever today and I'm optimistic that we'll make it through the night and all will be well. It's just a little of that "crazy cancer mom" seeping out. I worry about her - all the time - but especially when it seems like she's been sick forever - it's exhausting (physically and emotionally) to live this life. Sometimes I hate what cancer has done to my family.

Everyone else is healthy and I'm hoping it stays that way. I've sanitized and scrubbed and sanitized some more. I cannot wait for spring so that I can get the kids outside more and off the couch!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

a quick update...

I just wanted to post a quick update to let everyone know how things are going.

Kaidan is doing okay. Porter ended up with RSV and he's been sick for a week and a half! Kaidan seems to have gotten it, so the other symptoms she's been having are difficult to separate from this sickness. She's been running a fever of 102-103 for 5 days now and she has a bit of a cough. She's still having a headache daily, but it may be from the fever? She's also on a steady dose of IB and Tylenol, so that is masking everything as well. I'm very worried about her, but I'm trying to minimize it and keep it to myself. She has needed Oxycodone for her ankle pain and headaches a couple of times - I hate that.

I'll update again after we get through this illness.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Kaidan went in to the oncology clinic to have a lumbar puncture today. We were checking for relapse :( The ride to the hospital was tough. Kaidan did not want to go. She did not want to get an IV and she did not want to be put to sleep. You would think that after all she's been through it would make it easier, but it doesn't!! It makes it so much harder, because she remembers - she is older now - she knows the possibilities. She started crying that she was scared for the results. I felt so badly because my insecurities, my doubts and concerns had rubbed off on her. She was feeling scared because I let on that I was scared. I feel like my job as a mom is to keep those feelings secret, but I failed miserably as this week of pain went on and on. I guess it's a good thing I can't be fired from this job ;) We talked about both possibilities, and I told her that when we get good news she can dance around telling the world how dumb and crazy her mom is...that made her laugh.

Kaidan did awesome, as usual. She was so scared for the IV and she did do some dry heaving and almost fainted, but she is a trooper. Once it was done she was okay. She was scared to be put to sleep, but I reminded her if she falls asleep upset - she wakes up upset, and if she falls asleep calm - she wakes up calm. That did the trick and she did wonderfully. In fact, she woke up faster and more peacefully than she ever has.

It was so weird being back in that hallway of the RTU (rapid treatment unit) waiting for her to wake up. It was stressful waiting for the doctor to call me with the results. I had so many emotions going on. I wanted so badly to be wrong in my suspicions - but in the back of my mind (okay, every part of my mind) I was planning for the worst. Hoping for the best, but planning for the worst - sad, but true. I was figuring out finances, new time obligations, what we'd do with the kids so Nate could work while I was at the hospital with Kaidan, etc. It was a flood of memories that I wish I didn't have. It was so strange because at the same time I was feeling some survivor guilt. I was thinking about all the families who didn't get good news today. I was thinking about all of the kids who visit the RTU every week and their parents who wait in that hall, just like we did for so long. I was thinking that it was okay - if bad news for us took away bad news for one other family - that was okay. We've done it before and we can do it again.

But... we got good news!! The doctor called me and said her spinal fluid had no leukemia!! There were 2 white cells present, but they were normal white cells. I guess as long as you have less than 5 it's okay.

We still don't know where the pain is coming from. They gave her some morphine today because she started out with some pain and they wanted her to be more comfortable waking up. She felt so good with the help of that morphine that it made me realize that her pain is stronger than what she is letting on. We will follow-up with neurology the first part of March and I'm hoping for some answers.

We are getting mixed reports from the radiologists at PCMC and the orthopedic doctor that we see. Our doctor things Kaidan's x-rays are stable. He would like to see her if the pain sticks around, but I don't know what he'll do for her. I'm still struggling with the fact that this breakthrough pain came out of nowhere at the same time as the bad headaches. I'm afraid that if I let my guard down something bad will happen, but then I have to remind myself that cancer is not a stranger that sneaks into your house when you're not looking. Cancer makes your body it's home even if you're staring it in the face. So, I guess I'll relax a little, because that is all I can do. No amount of worry will change anything, right? I have to remember to live in the moment. That is easier said than done, but I'm trying.

I am so thankful for our good news today - it is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Please continue to keep the families who didn't get good news today in your thoughts and prayers. There is approximately 46 of them :( Did you know that? Did you know that an average of 46 kids per day are diagnosed with cancer? You should check out these amazing moms and the stories of their cancer warriors!

As a side note... For 2011 our family is going to be doing a couple of fundraisers for childhood cancer and the families affected by it. I wanted to give you some information now, because I know there are so many great causes out there and we can't possibly contribute to them all. I would just like you to consider these ones that are most important to our family, even if you can only pitch in a couple of dollars, it means the world to us :) Also, donating blood to ARUP - the sole blood provider for PCMC, and joining the bone marrow registry are awesome things that you can do to help save lives!!

So, here are the events we're planning on participating in for 2011. We don't have donation pages set up yet, but I'll keep you posted when we do. I just wanted to let you all know how you can help us this year - if you so desire :)

8/20/2011 We will be doing the Ducky Derby for the Make a Wish Foundation of Utah. We absolutely LOVE Make a Wish and this event!! This foundation has done so much for us, please help us by sponsoring a ducky when the time comes. We may do a couple of other events for Make a Wish, but I'll keep you posted. We love Make a Wish!!

7/9/2011 Salt Lake City is hosting it's 1st annual CureSearch Walk!! I cannot even tell you how excited I am about this. CureSearch dedicates over 95% of their funds directly to childhood cancer research. It is so important that more funding be directed to pediatric cancers to find a 100% cure, without harsh side effects. As soon as we get our fundraising page going, I'll let you know. We'll be looking for team members and sponsors :)

DATE?? HopeKids does an Adventure Walk that we are planning on participating in. We love HopeKids!! They have provided us with so many fun opportunities that we otherwise would not have been able to do. They do several events monthly ranging from movies to monster truck jams!! We love HopeKids, and especially their Utah directors, C.R. and Amy. They have been so kind to our family. We'd love your support when we do this event.

Thank you all! We love you!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

miss kaidan...

I've been debating whether or not to update. I hate to write anything when I don't have clear answers, because I've been really stressed out and I don't want anyone else to have to worry. However, I finally decided I will post this because I'm not too fond of re-telling everyone the same thing over and over. Plus, I forget who I have told and then people get tired of re-hearing the same thing over and over ;)

Anyway, last Sunday Kaidan started complaining of pain in her ankles. I know she's had this for a long, long time, but this was different. She was really in a lot of pain. Then came the headaches...bad headaches. She was asking for pain meds. IB only took the edge off a little - tylenol didn't even touch it. She was also having bouts of nausea and stomach pain, so I started getting worried and on Monday I called her pediatrician who said there is a lot of strep going around and that can cause headaches and joint discomfort. I took her in on Tuesday, hoping it was a sinus infection, or strep, or anything that could be fixed with antibiotics that was making her head hurt, but it wasn't. She looked healthy as could be (other than her flushed cheeks and glossy eyes). The pediatrician recommended we go to Primary's and have a CT scan done as well as x-rays of her ankles and some blood work to check everything out. Wednesday we went up to the hospital for all of that. Everything came back normal, except the ankle x-rays. Her pediatrician said they were "abnormal and worrisome". She said she really isn't an expert in orthopedics, but the report said it looked like she it could be osteochondritis dissecans and they recommend getting an MRI done to further investigate.

Here's where the stress comes in. I fight with logical thinking and "crazy cancer mom" thinking all the time. Sometimes, I think the "crazy cancer mom" thinking is the logical one. Anyway, I'm hoping, really REALLY HOPING that the ankles are just osteochondritis dissecans because that can be fixed. I'm angry because her avascular necrosis never should have gotten bad enough to cause this, and if they had just listened to me in the beginning, it wouldn't have. But, you can't change the past, and ankles are just ankles. I mean, you only use them to hold your entire body up when you walk, so compared to cancer, it's a minor thing ;) There is that "crazy cancer mom" part of me that says: 1. Her MRI in November 2009 and her x-rays in November 2010 were all normal, and they all showed no AVN or improvement of the AVN. 2. Her headaches came on super strong at the same time as this ankle pain. 3. They are related and it's not good... Then, my "logical" thinking says: 1. Dumb doctors mis-read MRI's and x-rays all the time, they missed this. 2. The headaches are caused from a very minor sinus infection that is barely visible on a CT scan. 3. They are not related, she is fine.... Then, the "crazy cancer mom" starts again.... You get the picture, right? I have multiple personalities!!

We don't really know what is going on with Kaidan. She is better than she was last Sunday as far as the pain level. The headaches come and go. The ankle pain is pretty bad, but she is still getting around. She gets tired when doing silly things like mopping the floor or trying to dance. Her arms started hurting this morning. She's back to having a little appetite with a lot of tummy issues. Her eyes tell a story more than any words she could ever say; they are glossy and you can see her pain. I am scared out of my mind. I am trying so hard to be positive and believe it is nothing, but I can't help it, I am scared.

Her pediatrician called me tonight and said she finally got someone in oncology, but they completely dismissed her concerns. We want to have a lumbar puncture done just to make sure there aren't cancer cells lurking in her spinal fluid causing her headaches. But, oncology doesn't want to do that. They think it's a virus - oh how I hope it's a virus. I just don't understand why it's such a big deal to just be sure. Why can't they be proactive instead of reactive? Our pediatrician also tried to get in touch with Kaidan's orthopedic doctor, but she had no luck there, so I guess we will be waiting until Tuesday, unless things get worse. The pediatrician advised me to take Kaidan to the ER if her headaches or her ankles get worse over the long weekend. Otherwise, she will call me Monday after she tries again to get someone who will listen.

So, there's the story. I'll update again when we know more.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year...

I don't have too much to update on, not much going on around here, but here's a little update anyway.

We had a great Christmas and a happy New Years. The kids were lucky enough to get most of what they wanted and it's was still a lot of fun waiting with them and experiencing all of their anticipation. I've cleaned up all the decor and now it's on to organizing and spring cleaning in January.

As far as health, everyone is doing well. All the kids got sick the week leading up to Christmas, and of course it hit Kaidan again on Christmas Day. She came down with a whopping fever of 105 and was sick for 4 days. I think once you survive cancer you should be exempt from sickness on all holidays :)

Kaidan is still taking the laxative a couple times a week and the medicine they gave her for the painful spasms she was having seems to work so she takes that before every meal. We will go back to the GI doctor in February to follow-up. I'm still hoping they will do more tests because even though the medicine is helping, it doesn't explain why she's having the problems and if she doesn't take that medicine the pain is right back. I don't think the laxative is helping anything, so I don't think she is constipated and her H Pylori test was negative. Kaidan will also be getting some custom arch supports to help her ankles when we can afford the $250 cost that the insurance won't cover because they don't believe they are medically necessary. She is also going to see a therapist next week for her anxiety and they are going to work on some coping skills so Kaidan can enjoy her life the way she deserves. She has her next oncology check-up on the 17th.

Other than that it's just life. Plain old boring wonderful life. I love that we didn't have to go to the hospital on Christmas day for Kaidan's fevers, I love that her body is capable of healing itself, and I love that today all my kids are healthy and happy.